Suppress Google Cloud Print notification

New Contributor III

Hello All,

Since we upgraded to Google Chrome 57 and Higher, every time a user launches chrome, they are greeted by a notification that there is a "New Printer" on your network. This notification will continue to bug users unless they select the "Don't show me this again". I have also verified the "show notifications" is turned off under chrome.


I'd like to leave notification center on...but need to find a way so this does not launch for every user. I've done some searching, but so far have found nothing relevant. I would even be open to disabling a service on the physical printer...but i can't find any documentation on what protocol is used for Google Cloud Printing.

Any help is appreciated.

OSX: 10.12.5
JSS: 9.98



I probably spent too much time recently in learning how to tame Google Chrome for our lab environment. I did come across this and was able to turn off this feature by using the "Google Chrome Master Preference" file route. I had the following code mentioned in the file which didn't show the popup message when users started Chrome.

"local_discovery": {
        "notifications_enabled": false

New Contributor III

While it's cool that this can be set via Master Prefs, does it appear that there is a related policy setting to control this item?