SUS has updates back to 10.4

New Contributor III


We have just installed the netboot/sus appliance and it is working well. It is the first time we have used sus and it has downloaded updates going back to 10.4. Is their a way I can tell it I only want updated from 10.6 and above?

Best wishes



Honored Contributor

I don't know what version of Reposado the appliance uses, but Greg Neagle has continually added to the features of it. I'm fairly certain that selecting only particular OS catalogs has been in there for quite some time, however. Check out the Reposado preferences.

The part you're interested in configuring is the AppleCatalogURLs

New Contributor II

I only need 10.8 and 10.9 catalogs, so here's what I did:

1) Connect with the shelluser account.
2) Edit the /var/lib/reposado/preferences.plist file, adding:


This will need to be changed when 10.10 comes out, and a new catalog is defined for it.
3) Run /var/lib/reposado/repo_sync to make sure the catalog is up to date.
4) Run /var/lib/reposado/repoutil --purge-product all-deprecated (two dashes before purge-product). This got disk usage down by around 60 percent by deleting packages that aren't used in either of the defined catalogs (older than Leopard, basically).

New Contributor III

Do you know what the Yosemite catalog is called? How do you actually now what it is so I don't have to ask every time? :)