Switching from LDAP to Cloud IdP (Entra)

New Contributor III

Our Jamf Pro is currently setup to use LDAP for adding Directory Accounts. 

I want to switch to using Entra for Cloud IdP.

Anybody run into any issues when making the switch? Did you do a straight swap or have both Cloud IdP and LDAP configured at the same time?




Esteemed Contributor

There are a lot of differences, make sure that you know your local admin accounts password before making the switch. 


Once the connection is made, Jamf and Entra will assume any LOCAL Jamf group with the EXACT same name as an Entra AD group should be mapped. You will set all the access in the Jamf Local group, but you won't be able to see who has access. Also, users can only be granted access through a group or a local Jamf account as LDAP accounts won't work. Other things like policy limitations will work a bit differently. So long as you know your local Jamf admin password, there are no worries of breaking anything beyond repair with the transition. 

Contributor II

Also worth noting your Dashboard check boxes as well as each of your jamf users preferred Inventory display. Take some screen shots to quickly be able to recreate these after you setup the new login groups.