system preference restriction

New Contributor III


I am deploying some mac minis using Jamf school,

I am trying to disable some system preferences but it is not working,

none of the system preferences get disabled, i have tried 

importing a mobile config file from 

Jamf pro and profile creator still not working 

the os version is 12.4

any ideas


Esteemed Contributor

What are you trying to disable specifically? Not everything can be disabled with configuration profile by Apple design. Some things that cannot be disabled can be hidden with a plist. It all depends on what exactly you are trying to manage.

New Contributor III

Hi essentially just some system preferences, but school boy error i rebooted the mac and the restrictions worked, never had to do that before, i was used to send the profile you see the screen refresh and get the result but it seems you need to reboot 12.4 we live and learn



Esteemed Contributor

Oh, lol. Ya, when you drop new restrictions macOS needs to "update". You can also run sudo JAMF manage which should apply any new configurations that are "pending a reboot" to apply.