System Prefs Starting on First Login

Contributor III

This is an odd one. With our latest set of imaging we have found that the System Preferences application will launch the first time someone logs into a machine. However, this only happens if we have an application package that needs to be "Installed to boot volume at imaging". We have a handful of this type of application: Java, Silverlight, Flash, Shockwave, to name a few. If we don't install any of these apps with that option checked, everything works normal. People can log in without any System Preferences open up.

However, if we add any of these apps, it doesn't matter which or in what combination, the first time someone logs in the System Preferences application opens. This is more of an annoyance than anything else, but we're hoping to figure out how to get rid of this.

We are running Casper 8.71 and using that version of the Imaging app. This is installing the new Mountain Lion for the new MacBook Airs, 10.8.4 (12E3067).

Any ideas?