Technical documents search

Contributor II

When I try to search the Technical Documents here on JN, all the results that are returned are in Chinese or some other Asian format. Anyone else having this problem?




New Contributor III
New Contributor III

@scottlep - We're looking into it. Thank you so much for letting us know about this!

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

@scottlep -

We figured it out. If you search "FileVault 2" (with a space) you'll see more languages of results.

Our search algorithm recognizes and treats languages differently. Because the syntax and usage spaces differs between some languages, Jamf Nation returns results accordingly. In your example, Jamf Nation returned results in Japanese because the translated Admin Guide uses "FileVault2" as a single string, no space.

If you wish that the algorithm did more of a 'contains' type search and focused less on syntax, please create a Feature Request and keep the conversation about translation going. Thank you!
