Testing Jamf Pro On Prem

New Contributor III

For some time our InfoSec guys have been giving me no end of heartburn due to near-continuous changes to the security architecture of the enterprise. Within the last year there have been no less than at least 14 security-related initiatives rolling concurrently.

I've experienced deployment failures, profile corruption, inability to auth via SSO depending upon network attachment...

To that end I've spun up a JPro server on prep, and just to make it fun (it's just for testing) it's running on macOS Sonoma 14.4.1:

Jamf Pro Summary: Created 2024-04-08 07:03:48 by admin
Installed Version                                   11.3.0-t1707837736
Hosted ............................................ false
Managed Computers                                   0
Unmanaged Computers ............................... 0
Managed iOS Devices                                 0
Unmanaged iOS Devices ............................. 0
Managed Personal Devices                            0
Managed User Enrolled Devices ..................... 0
Managed Apple TV Devices (tvOS 10.2 or later)       0
Managed Apple TV Devices (tvOS 10.1 or earlier) ... 0
Unmanaged Apple TV Devices                          0
Single Login Devices .............................. 0
Operating System                                    Mac OS X (14.4.1)
Web App Installed To                                /Library/JSS/Tomcat/webapps/ROOT/
Tomcat Version .................................... Apache Tomcat/8.5.73
Built-in CA expiration date                         2034-04-05 09:59:57
Java Version                                        22
Java Architecture ................................. aarch64
Java Vendor                                         Oracle Corporation
Java Home ......................................... /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-22.jdk/Contents/Home
Java Temp Directory                                 /Library/JSS/Tomcat/temp
Java Runtime Name ................................. Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
Java VM Name                                        Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
Database Type                                       MySQL
Database Driver ................................... org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
Database Server                                     localhost
Database Port ..................................... 3306
Database Name                                       jamfsoftware
Database Size ..................................... 22.50 MB
JDBC Parameters                                     ?characterEncoding=utf8&useUnicode=true&jdbcCompliantTruncation=false&useServerPrepStmts=true

Valued Contributor III

I wouldn't even dabble for another second with Jamf Pro on macOS. It's not supported. You'll run into a lot of failures and crashes. It had to deal with the database, MySQL, if I'm not mistaken.


It might look rosy now, but let it run for a bit and you'll see. Backup your backups.

Or move to a platform Jamf supports.

New Contributor III

It's just for testing for a short time. No way is anything production going on it...

Honored Contributor III

Jamf killed support for running Jamf Pro on a macOS "Server" Last year. You need to use Windows Server or Linux.


Jamf Pro System Requirements - Jamf Pro Release Notes 11.4.0 | Jamf


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (9.2 or later)

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (8.8 or later)

  • Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS

  • Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS

  • Windows Server 2022

  • Windows Server 2019

  • MySQL 8 series:

    • 8.0.34

    • 8.0.34 on Amazon RDS

    • Amazon Aurora (MySQL 8.0 compatible)

  • OpenJDK 21

  • Oracle Java 21


Minimum Supported

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x (Java 11 only)

  • Windows Server 2016

  • MySQL 5 series:

    • Amazon Aurora (MySQL 5.7 compatible)4

  • OpenJDK 11

  • Oracle Java 11

New Contributor III

I'm well aware. Did this more as a challenge, and for fun. It's only going to be up as long as I need it for testing. Trying to as much as possible eliminate the Internet from the equation, e.g., what does the traffic look like if it's all internal.

Contributor III

I would schedule your Apple SE to meet with you InfoSec team.  Show them the documentation from JAMF and Apple in regards to what ports are needed in order to successfully function in an Enterprise environment.  https://support.apple.com/en-us/101555


If you're not already a member, join the AppleSeed for IT program to obtain access to the Mac Evaluation Utility so you can show the InfoSec and Networking teams concrete data on what is an is not working in their environment.


The scope of work with Apple has already been hammered out. I mean stop me if this sounds altogether too familiar: I was running myself ragged between building out, and maintaining, our MDM environment, dashing around on customer engagements, and fighting with InfoSec to get need resources.

We now have a tiered support structure in place; I'll be the engineer/tier 3, and others will be dispatched on customer visits (unless they can't resolve).

I know all about how Jamf Pro on Mac is deprecated; just did this for the fun of the challenge since I've got to do some testing.