Posted on 03-01-2012 09:39 AM
2 days ago I was following the user guide in order to start testing Lion config profiles. I checked the boxes in JSS for " Enable Certificate-Based Communication" and "Enable Push Notifications for Mac OS X v10.7 clients"
Everything tested ok with the profiles with my Lion test client. To my surprise a day later I realized all of my Snow Leopard clients that had checked in after I checked those boxes had their policy history wiped... and were rerunning old policies I have set up for 'once per computer.'
This may be in the documentation somewhere, but I missed it. I just thought I'd let you guys know as a heads up. JAMF gave me a mysql command to stop this from happening in future.
Posted on 03-01-2012 02:02 PM
I'm close to doing this same thing. What was the command?
Posted on 03-01-2012 03:53 PM
Same probleme here... Policy logs for 10.6.8 clients cleared after enabling " Enable Certificate-Based Communication" and "Enable Push Notifications for Mac OS X v10.7 clients"
Weird thing is it seems it happened to some client but not all, need to double check as most of them still have their log history available.
Thank you for the warning
EDIT: do we need to ask Jamf for the workaround or will it be made available here?
Posted on 03-01-2012 08:49 PM
Exactly the same thing happened to me and caused huge issues across our fleet. Granted I should have run this in a test environment first but Jamf should not have the option there or at the very least a warning.
From Jamf support :
USE jamfsoftware;
UPDATE management_framework_preferences SET flush_management_history_on_remanage=0;