The future of Jamf Admin and Composer?

Honored Contributor

I'm getting worried about the future of the Jamf Admin and Composer apps. Composer is the only one that has been updated for Apple Silicon, but it is basically the exact same app it's always been since version 9. Composer's interface could use some updating. New package manifests are painfully out of date (My god, it still lists Shockwave!). Jamf Admin really is unchanged since version 9. Jamf Admin REALLY needs to be updated for Apple Silicon and to support Dark Mode. It also needs improved error reporting and recovery. When there's a problem (interrupted connection, bad pkg, wrong phase of the moon, I'm wearing the wrong aftershave to work...)  it can take hours for broken uploads to be removed so we can try uploading again.

Jamf Admin is a far more efficient method of uploading and editing packages (when it works) than the JSS web interface. I like that I can upload multiple packages at the same time and then edit them afterward. The web interface only allows one upload at a time and editing is very slow. We all know Apple will kill Rosetta 2 in a year or so. When it goes, Jamf Admin will also go.

Composer and Admin are critical to efficient Jamf management, but with all the other jamf apps slowly being culled, I don't know what the future of package creation/management looks like the Jamf world.  Can someone at Jamf HQ please chime in and give us an idea of what we can expect?


Honored Contributor

The key line: 

  • Jamf AdminJamf will stop distributing Jamf Admin in a future release of Jamf Pro (estimated removal date: late 2023). Jamf is committed to supporting key workflows from Jamf Admin (including printer creation, package synchronization, and package metadata editing) in future product enhancements.

Sounds like they are going to keep us in the dark until the last minute. I really hope the replacement is NOT a crappy web interface. No mention of Composer. I have used to create installer packages for very large things like Xcode that Composer can't handle, but Packages is not an easy program to use. 

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Honored Contributor

Here is what I was told by jamf:

In regards to the latest 10.44 Deprecation news, yes, Jamf will stop distributing Jamf Admin in late 2023. With that said, that does not mean all is lost. Jamf is working on implementing and support the key workflows from Jamf Admin to be brought to us in product releases down the line (I hope it's soon). I do not, however, have an insight on what those will be and in which released. From our guide, "Jamf is committed to supporting key workflows from Jamf Admin (including printer creation, package synchronization, and package metadata editing) in future product enhancements."  As for composer, I have not heard anything in relation to that at this time. 

I would love to provide our product team with feedback on what workflows you use Jamf Admin on the day to day if you'd like to share those with me? My understanding is that Jamf is not going to remove Jamf Admin without having those key workflows in place first. We have some time, but it's good for use to analyze what we use Jamf Admin for now and prepare for the changes to come late this year. 

I would highly recommend you send email to and tell them how you use Jamf Admin. I sent a long list of pros and cons, raves and complaints, and requests about Jamf Admin. I made a lot of comparisons to the web interface and how much it sucks compared to a standalone tool.  Please tell them what's on your mind so they know we still NEED an App like Jamf Admin. 

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Someone correct me I Im wrong and misunderstand Jamf Sync. We're still on-prem. I've got the login credentials saved in the infrastructure settings in the JSS so when I used Jamf Admin, it used those settings from the JSS to connect to the DP. Now in Jamf Sync it seems to ignore those (except to find where the DPs are) and require that I provide creds to connect to them. Some of our Jamf users don't even have creds to log into the DPs but never needed them with Jamf Admin. Now we've got to convince our network security team that those support people need additional server access.

I already have a day job and don't need this additional admin task.