Posted on 09-12-2012 12:56 PM
Does anyone get these messages randomly? My Configuration Profiles were installing fine for a while then all the sudden they stopped. I get the MDM enrollment fine but everything else gets APN errors.
Posted on 09-12-2012 01:24 PM
Are you getting these errors every time or randomly?
If it's only random, it's likely just that Apple's APNS are busy the very moment you try to send something to them. If you are seeing that message every time, I'd say that something is probably blocking it on your network.
Posted on 09-12-2012 02:06 PM
Its super random. If its server load thats totally unacceptable on Apples part.
Posted on 09-12-2012 06:59 PM
Are they retrying?
Posted on 09-13-2012 09:34 AM
They are just sitting at pending. I am about reading to just can Configuration Profiles. Its just to hit or miss.
Posted on 09-13-2012 03:41 PM
If you click the little blue arrow at the top right of that screen, it will force the machine to check in with the APNS again and should force the failed profiles to push down. If that doesn't work, there's something else wrong in either your JSS configuration or with the outside network firewall/ACL.