Posted on 04-16-2015 07:51 AM
We have our internal time server that the macs are all set to use, but it seems like even though they are set to use it, the time is still getting a skewed. If we go back into the time/date settings and let it sit there, it will eventually re-sync itself, but by that point it's broken our Symantec VIP client for our VPN tokens and we need to delete the vip and redo it.
I guess my question is how can we force the time to sync more often to ensure the devices are not getting skewed.
Posted on 04-16-2015 10:23 AM
I wrote a script that does a time sync, and a LaunchDaemon which runs the script every 5 minutes.
Had a publishing client where, even though all of the Macs were pointed to their internal time servers, the time would drift enough that sometimes opening an InDesign document on a server from a different workstation, images would report "modified". After using that script/LaunchDaemon combo, the problem went away.
The script was simple:
ntpdate -u
The LaunchDaemon looked like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Posted on 04-16-2015 02:28 PM
Dual boot machines will pretty much always lose their time.
Windows and OS X have different ways of maintaining and displaying the time.
You pretty much want to have an ntp query run every startup otherwise things go awry on the OS X side (especially if your AD bound), havn't really found a need to run it more often than that.
Posted on 04-16-2015 03:07 PM
Yes, I would just run that command every few minutes with a Launch Daemon if it's that critical. I would question why the time is getting skewed that much over the course of a day. I point our devices at the internal time server, and as long as they are on the network at least once a week, they don't seem to go off more than a second max. Right now, I just tried the ntpdate command and my skew offset was .003 seconds.
Posted on 05-18-2015 07:46 AM
i thought i had it figured out, but ... I don't.
I have 3 servers I want to use, 2 internal and 1 external. i tried the ntpdate -u server1, server2, ext and it said "no server suitable for synchronization found". then I tried ntpdate -u server1,server2,ext (removing the spaces after the ,) and then it just said no servers can be used...
Posted on 05-18-2015 09:12 AM
Try this solution.