Time Machine reporting to Jamf

Contributor II

So I keep coming across the problem of machines saying that their Time Machine backup is older than 2 days. It shows up in JAMF under the computer as:

Time Machine - Auto Backup: Fail (Domain or Key Not Found) Time Machine - Enabled: Fail (Domain or Key Not Found)

Some machines have local External HDs they backup to, and all have the Network backup, except a couple. Yet when I ARD into those machines, almost always it says there is a current backup from that day. So, anyone know what's going on, and is there anything I can do?


Valued Contributor III

If the built in tool isn't doing it, you could build an Extenstion Attribute around the outputs from one of the following.

tmutil latestbackup
tmutil listbackups

It would take a bit of wrangling as you would probably want it in the date format to match the AE date format.