Posted on 01-07-2020 12:13 AM
I'm gonna show you guys a way that like what I said in the title.
First you need to access the Profile Configuration > Ristriction , set Only Allowed some apps , input the and click save, then add the Chrome on next line.
Then you can add your WebClips as your wish, don't forget use the "googlechromes://" instead of "https://" if you want to use the chrome but no safari like me.
Finally, when the configuration profiles affected, the other apps were hidden and only the WebClips were remained.
PS: Choose the Fullscreen app in the WebClips, and you can touch the WebClips and directly open in chrome , if you didn't , when you touch the WebCllips , it will open in the safari first and then redirect to the chrome.
a month ago
Appreciate this post @xlshmf. The order of allowed apps still does make a difference in iPadOS 18. WebClips finally appeared.