TomCat Error

New Contributor III

Hi There, our JSS Web Admin Stopped working yesterday and it came with following error:
http Status 404 Type Status report Message Description: The requested Resource () is not available, Apache Tomcat /6.0.24.
I restarted the Tomcat from JSS Setup Utility and also unload and load the Tomcat from the terminal and also did the following:
Restart Web Services from Server Admin Restart My SQL Services Asked our LAN Admin's to Restart the server (Shutdown and restart) and they done it.
Replace the Server.xml in /Library/tomcat/conf after doing backup of the file. (few times that this sever Tomcat had the same behavior this action fixed the issue).

Still I am getting the same error. I sent the an email to JAMF this morning but so far NO answer. As this is our production server I have to fix it ASAP. any idea will be appreciated.


New Contributor III


-Stop Tomcat by running this command in Terminal: sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.jamfsoftware.tomcat.plist

-Move the ROOT.war and ROOT directory from the existing /Library/Tomcat/webapps location to a backup location for the time being.

-Run the JSSInstaller.mpkg from the 8.31 Casper Suite DMG from the server and follow the installation instructions.

-Verify that the JSS is reachable by launching the web application and logging in.

-If this repair was successful, the backup ROOT.war and ROOT directory from the old location can be deleted after a couple of days.

View solution in original post


New Contributor III


-Stop Tomcat by running this command in Terminal: sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.jamfsoftware.tomcat.plist

-Move the ROOT.war and ROOT directory from the existing /Library/Tomcat/webapps location to a backup location for the time being.

-Run the JSSInstaller.mpkg from the 8.31 Casper Suite DMG from the server and follow the installation instructions.

-Verify that the JSS is reachable by launching the web application and logging in.

-If this repair was successful, the backup ROOT.war and ROOT directory from the old location can be deleted after a couple of days.

New Contributor II

10 years after this tips still work for JSS 10.34.2