Posted on 05-08-2015 06:05 AM
Has anyone tried running custom dynamic pages out of here?
I'm thinking I probably shouldn't, but since it's there, I'm tempted to try.
Posted on 06-02-2015 08:30 PM
trying to do the something / not working
Posted on 06-02-2015 08:53 PM
I'm sure you /could/..
Posted on 06-03-2015 06:17 AM
I finished this and it's working nicely, actually. I wrote a little JSP page that lists out all of the files in the inhouse subfolders. Here's the method:
public String listFiles(String folder) {
String root="C:/Program Files/JSS/Tomcat/webapps/inhouse/" + folder + "/"; file; dir = new;
String[] list = dir.list();
String output = "";
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
file = new + list[i]);
if (!list[i].equals(".DS_Store")) {
output += "<li><a href="./";
output += folder + "/" + list[i];
output += "">";
output += list[i];
output += "</a><br />
return output;