Track Pad Behaviors

Contributor II

I am trying to jamfify three things that I always do for the computers in my school manually:

  1. Tap to Click
  2. Unnatural Scrolling
  3. Enable Dragging (without lock)

The first one I have found a semi-solution for but it seems buggy. The second I found a command line option but doesn't seem to work, and I have had no luck finding any option at all for the third.

First, the second one: Unnatural Scrolling. The following command is supposed to work but I have not found it to change the scrolling direction:

  • defaults write NSGlobalDomain -bool false

Second, the first: Tap to Click: the following four commands almost work:

  • defaults write Clicking -bool true
  • defaults write Clicking -bool true
  • defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain -int 1
  • defaults write NSGlobalDomain -int 1

But even though the checkbox is checked to allow tap to click, it doesn't actually work until you manually uncheck it and recheck it again.

Thirdly, the third one: Enable Dragging. This is done manually within the Accessibility widget, and it is kind of buried. Any ideas on this one?