Trackpad Default Settings - Natural Scroll

New Contributor

Hi all,

This is kind of an off topic question, but I was wondering how everyone in their environment handles the "Scroll direction: Natural" setting in their images. Have you found your users preferred to have this enabled or disabled by default and which do you apply as the default in your images?

I understand this setting can always be changed by the user, but if it is disabled by default, is there a particular reason for this?

Thank you



I have the Natural Scroll feature disabled on our image. As you mentioned, the user can always enable it. Leaving it enabled introduces an unnecessary level of confusion and frustration, especially for those users who come from Windows or are used to the old way.

Contributor III

We leave as many of the "user experience" settings at the default, thinking that this would be the default if they decided to go out and buy a Mac. As mentioned, they can always be changed, and our thinking is to leave them as Apple intends and people can then change it if they choose. For "Natural Scroll" in particular, since the Mac hides most scroll bars, we have found that most people do find it to be more "natural". Especially since we are using MacBooks which therefore have trackpads, and this setting makes the screen respond similarly to how scrolling works on phones.

New Contributor

I run this in a script that runs post-enrollment:


# Disable Natural Scrolling

defaults write NSGlobalDomain -bool false

exit 0

False = Natural Scrolling Disabled
True = Natural Scrolling Enabled (Default)