Transfering Paid Licenses to New Ipad

New Contributor II


We issued a new ipad to our speech teacher. She has many apps on her old ipad that we only purchased one license for. How do I transfer the paid license to the new ipad? Will she lose all the data from those apps in the old ipad? Both ipads are managed via JAMF Pro. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Valued Contributor III

Did you purchase this license via Apple VPP? Should be able to just unscope the device in Jamf under Mobile Devices. Re-push the app to the new iPad.

Or was the license purchased on a personal Apple ID/Account?

Honored Contributor III

You would need to remove the old device from the scope of the app, which could simply be accomplished by deleting it from Jamf. Then the new device would need to be added to the scope. Depending on how you have these scoped out it could be a lot of clicking. Some of this can be done with API, but if it's not a frequent task it may not be worth getting the scripting sorted out. This is of course assuming you are not assigning the App to her Managed Apple Account.


As far as the data, that depends on a lot of things. Data is transferred over iCloud from iPad "A" to iPad "B", and assuming she has the box checked to sync data to iCloud and assuming yet again the app supports iCloud sync. To complicate things more, each app can use its own syncing utilities based on credentials you log in with like Google or Microsoft. There is no way to answer if the data will be synced unless you use a backup to restore the new device to, and even then its not a sure thing.

I read in a few places that sometimes deleting the ipad from JAMF doesn't free up the license and you need to unsupervise the ipad first using Configurator.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

You should be able to unscope the apps from the iPad. The apps should then disappear from the old iPad and the license should be recovered. You should then be able to rescope the app to the new app.

This would work if you scope based on iPad instead of user

I hadn't thought to check on how the apps were scoped. They are all scoped to the teacher's user. Can I just unassign the older ipad from the teacher, and the licenses will install on the new ipad? 

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Yes. I just went through this with a paid app we use. If you are scoping based on user, it will take up a license depending on how many device records have that scoped user in the record.
Example: JAMF Records for ipad 1, iPad 2 and iPad 3 have Moses in the user field.
I scope App1 to the username Moses. This will consume 3 licenses even if the app is not installed on the iPad.

If it is scoped VIA the device, it consumes 1 license. 


New Contributor

The teacher backed up the older ipad to the icloud and then pulled down from the icloud to the new ipad. The apps didn't install because of the licensing issue. If I unassign her user from the old ipad, so that the app will install on the new ipad, what happens to the data in all the apps? Will it be lost?

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Once pulled, it will uninstall the app. The data will most likely be lost. It woudl eb best if there is a way to back up the data using a back up feature in the app if possible