Trying to Add a Video to Custom Enrollment

New Contributor

I'm trying to add a video to a customize enrollment. It's a video we are storing in a S3 bucket on AWS. When I try to embed it the video doesn't show. Everything I look about this is about Youtube videos but we don't particularly want to host a video on Youtube.


New Contributor II

What tool are you using to customise the enrolment? A bit more information please.


I'm just using the Enrollment Customization section of the Jamf settings in version 10.50. The mp4 file is in a Amazon S3 bucket. In the enrollment pane I have [](link to thevideo) and nothing shows.

I assume you have an ampersand before that. For YouTube videos it is @[text](https:/` I don't think enrolment customization supports ordinary video. For YouTube videos it embeds a video player from YouTube.

I guess that's the real questions. Is there any way to show custom videos during setup?

New Contributor III


If you're running JamfPro 11, I have an open ticket with Customization Enrollment PI displaying images. May also impact videos.

Hey @Karl941, can you link me the PI for images not showing? I was looking into this and have the same issue. I would love to submit this to Jamf with the same PI to get some weight towards it. Thanks!

New Contributor III

Hi @hodgesji 

That is recorded as PI114936. I did a follow up recently and it seems it's under investigation/testing. In terms of user experience (as customization enrolment is the first contact for a user with IT) isn't that great 😬 .... 🤞🏼 to be fixed soon.

New Contributor II

A workaround for Jamf 11 not showing images is to base64encode them with (