Posted on
12:51 AM
- last edited
Morning all. My business is in the unusual position of having bought a hundred plus machines in stock from an overseas reseller, these form the bulk of our stock and obviously we will need these machines enrolled using DEP
However as we have an official local reseller, we have enrolled to the DEP with them (however we haven't purchased anything yet)
Is there any way around this issue? I am going to enroll with the US based company now, but how will having two separate DEP accounts work? Are the original Macs a lost cause in this regard?
Can we have two DEP accounts within our JAMF setup?
Any help appreciated
Posted on 06-19-2017 01:55 AM
You can have multiple resellers on the same DEP ID.
Posted on 06-19-2017 02:28 AM
We use 3 different suppliers, no issues as the devices are linked to your DEP Account.
Posted on 06-19-2017 07:49 AM
There is no limit of resellers you can work with. I wish there was so my purchasers would stop buying from every Tom, Dick, and Sally