Unable to mount network shares 10.9.1

New Contributor II

Our network shares are failing to mount on some of our machines. To try and fix this I created a configuration profile with the following payloads: Login items, under Network mounts I put the path to the users network share and another payload for the Dock so the share will appear there too with the path as well. Now when the configuration profile tries to apply to my test machine i get an error message stating "Unable to decrypt encrypted profile." Has anyone experienced the same issue?


New Contributor II

Can you manually mount the network shares? Do you have FileVault enabled?

New Contributor II

Yes i am able to mount them manually. No I do not have FileVault enabled.

New Contributor
New Contributor

Sounds like either current or old mcx settings in the JSS are over-riding or interfering with mcx settings of most likely an OD... or visa versa.