Unable to Sign QuickAdd packages via Recon after upgrading to 9.8/9.81

New Contributor

Hi, I am unable to sign my QuickAdd packages via Recon 9.8 and Recon 9.81. When downgrading to 9.72 it works just fine. I am never prompted to give Recon access to my Keychain to grab the cert.

Can anyone else verify this issue?


Valued Contributor

Just confirmed it, never prompted for a password to use the Developer ID.

The quickadd package doesn't have the little Gatekeeper lock towards the top right as well.

optional image ALT text

Edit: Tested on 9.81

Honored Contributor

Also - while I'm downloading the release of 10.11, there was some funk in the Keychain Access utility - try to use Keychain First Aid. I'm hoping it's fixed in the release I'm downloading now...

New Contributor

Having the same issue here. The QuickAdd generated via the self-enrollment website is signed as expected, with the lock in the upper right. However the QuickAdd generated via Recon never prompts for authentication and generates an unsigned QuickAdd package missing the lock icon in the upper right.

New Contributor

Also encountered the same problem. Tested on 10.9, 10.10,10.11. Casper Recon 9.81.
Works fine on Self-Enroll.

(Ensure your Apple Developer ID Installer cert and key are in your keychain)

productsign --sign '<cert name>' ./QuickAdd.pkg ./QuickAddSigned.pkg

Contributor III

I'm seeing this issue with self enrolment too. Gatekeeper blocks it, press OK, Double click the same quickadd package and it's fine. The signing looks fine once you get past the first block.

I contacted a seperate developer for a new app they released, and reported a similar issue. They had signed the app, but Gatekeeper still blocked it. Eventually he got back to me and said Apple changed a few things in El Capitan, but didn't go into details.

I'm not seeing it on Yosemite, but i'll keep testing.

Contributor III

I exported from my keychain and uploaded to the JSS again, seems ok now.


I'm seeing this with Recon v9.81 as well, and I reached out to JAMF Support about this issue. There's an open defect (D-009680) which should be addressed in the next release.

I used the productsign workaround mentioned above which did the trick.


Still seeing this with Recon v9.9 & OS X 10.11.4.