I'm looking into doing something similar but haven't started doing any
testing yet. This article might be helpful for you if you have Sophos or
Symantec configured to use native FileVault encryption:
We're managing rules/exceptions with pf through Jamf. ALF does not
really allow you to set up traditional firewall rules or handle
exceptions, it only controls whether applications will allow inbound
connections or not. Check out Jason Miller's talk ...
If you're stuck with AirWatch, you should just look into setting up
Munki for installing applications. It's a supported configuration by
VMware. so it'll save you from the headache of trying to make these two
solutions coexist, and it'll save your co...
@Vanegas I didn't do much on the server side but AFAIK the only real
policy that is set on the DDPE server for Macs is to use FileVault 2 for
encryption. On the client side, I built a package in Composer that drops
the DDPE plist in /Library/Preferen...