Uninstalling Adobe CS5

Contributor III

Currently the Resource Kit doesn't have one, but does anyone have a script that effectively removes Adobe CS5 so that Adobe CS5.5 will not fail at install? I know that I have the uninstall package created from Adobe's tools, but that still leaves things behind. Does anyone have experience with making the migration from CS5 to CS5.5 work well?


Valued Contributor

There is no complete automated way of uninstalling Adobe CS5. We are following few steps to completely uninstall Adobe CS5. We follow the below steps to completely uninstall Adobe CS5 and install Adobe CS5.5. (tested with Mac OS X 10.6.8)

1.Launch this app alias to trigger the uninstall tool:

Applications > Utilities > Adobe Installers > Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium

*Select All and choose not to remove preferences*

  1. Run Adobe Cleanup script


    *Use Clean All CS5-CS5.5 option*

  2. Launch the Adobe AIR Uninstaller to trigger Adobe AIR Components Uninstall:

    Applications > Utilities > Adobe AIR Uninstaller

    *Click Uninstall*

  3. Now we need to manually select and delete all folders beginning with Adobe in the Applications folder...example:

    Applications > Adobe
    Applications > Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro
    Applications > Adobe Illustrator CS5

  4. Select and delete all folders beginning with Adobe in the Utilities folder...example:

Applications > Utilities > Adobe Installers Applications > Utilities > Adobe Utilities

  1. Delete the Adobe folder in the top level Library folder:

    Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Adobe

  2. Delete the CHC Local Store folder from Users and User Template Preferences

    sudo rm -r /System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1

Then we install or push Adobe CS5.5 suite and it works fine.

Anybody has the automated way?