Upcoming Required Jamf ID Password Reset

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hello, Jamf Nation!

Thank you for being a part of our community. We appreciate your feedback as we continue to work to enhance your experience with Jamf.

March 1-2, 2024, Jamf ID will be receiving exciting improvements and security enhancements. As a result, all Jamf ID users must reset their passwords after the update.

There is no action required today and further instructions will be provided in March.

Jamf Product Manager

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Please see the Tech Thoughts article for more information: https://community.jamf.com/t5/tech-thoughts/jamf-id-update-complete/ba-p/311378


Jamf Product Manager

New Contributor II

when is jamf going to put MFA on the jamf pro portal