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11:47 PM
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a week ago
Does anyone know how to update the reposado-part within the NetSUS-appliance?
I know that you can update the linux-base with apt-get update/upgrade but how do you update reposado?
Posted on 01-08-2017 05:02 PM
Log in to the appliance with the shelluser account.
You should only need to replace the following files with the versions from GitHub
Posted on 01-17-2017 07:57 AM
Thanks! That did the trick...
Sorry for the late reply ;-)
Posted on 09-10-2018 07:15 AM
I know this is over a year and a half old, but I've been having an issue where Sierra computers are getting updates from our NetSUS server, but High Sierra computers aren't. I logged into our server (I have read-only access) and found that it was only listing catalogURLs up to Sierra, so I had our Server tech copy over new versions of the files listed above and then restarted through the Web UI. After doing that if I login to the server I see that it has updated catalogURLs, but I get the same error message when checking for updates on a High Sierra computer:
Can’t load data from the Software Update server ([netsusurl]).
I compared the catalogURL that's set on a Sierra computer and the one that's set on a High Sierra computer, and they're identical except that the Sierra computer includes
.../catalogs/others/index-10.12-10.11..and the High Sierra computer includes
Any ideas?
Posted on 09-25-2018 12:03 PM
Correction: If I go to /srv/SUS/html/content/catalogs/others/
, there still aren't any catalogs for 10.13
Posted on 10-01-2018 08:54 AM
Hey folks. Sorry to dredge up this thread, but I have just run into the same problem after taking over our Jamf NetSUS server.
I can see High Sierra updates in the web interface and select them, but none of the High Sierra machines are seeing them when they try and update. There are no 10.13 catalogs listed in the /srv/SUS/html/content/catalogs/others/ directory at the moment.
Does anybody have any ideas on how I can get this up and running?
Posted on 10-01-2018 09:48 AM
@MBrownUoG , I haven't been able to find an answer, and either using the instructions on this page or trying instructions I'd found elsewhere seems to have caused the server to stop syncing updates. They did just release an update (to 5.0) for NetSUS, though I'm pretty sure I'd had the missing catalogs before upgrading to 4.2.1 and updating didn't fix the issue. I'm trying to convince my server tech to do a full rebuild in hopes that it fixes everything.
Posted on 10-01-2018 10:26 AM
Ah that's a shame. Looking at the closed issues on the git page, it looks as if this may have been addressed in the latest 5.0 release. I'll see if I can snapshot the server tomorrow and give it a try. I'll let you know if it's a success.
Posted on 10-01-2018 10:47 AM
Two of those closed issues were mine :) They definitely didn't reach out to me, so I think they were just cleaning things out so it didn't look like the new version had any open issues. But I'll definitely be interested in knowing how things turn out for you!
Posted on 10-02-2018 02:38 AM
Yeah no joy unfortunately :(
It appears to have upgraded correctly and I can see the updates in each catalog in the web interface, same as before. If I browse to one of our sucatalog URLs and search the ID of one of the recent updates, it's also listed in there ok.
However, triggering an update on a High Sierra Mac with a jamf configuration profile pointing to that sucatalog URL doesn't pull anything back. No errors that I can see, just no updates listed. Sort of at a loss with this one.
Posted on 10-02-2018 05:25 AM
Sorry to hear it. Were you getting an error message before when trying to get updates on High Sierra? I've had issues in the past with updates taking a while to become available on Sierra (there was no consistency to it, some computers would see them right after I checked them and other computers might take a day to see them).
My server tech is looking into what would be involved in wiping the server, reinstalling RHEL, and then installing the latest version of NetSUS. I couldn't find any information about just uninstalling NetSUS, so this seemed like the only way to do a fresh install. Things tend to move a little slowly in my organization, but I'll let you know if I have any luck. I was also looking into switching to Reposado/Margarita, but apparently getting it past our Information Security would be a hassle and a half since it's doesn't have any official support website (I think the only reason we got NetSUS through was because the previous tech set it up back when Jamf was still supporting it).