Update to 10.14.6


How do I deploy/update my clients to the Mac OS 10.14.6?
Where are the steps to create this policy?


Contributor III

There are multiple ways to achieve your desired result, the most common is a script which manages the software update process, you will find examples on this forum. You could create a configuration profile to check for, download and install system data files and security updates. You could, though I wouldn't recommend, download the combo updater for 10.14.6 and deploy it like any other package.

Contributor III

Two ways that I have used are either the Software Update payload within the policy, this will check for and apply updates. It can take quite sometime to run, so I have been using the softwareupdate command built into macOS becuase it seems to work a little quicker. Basic script would be


softwareupdate -i -r

The -i will install the updates and the -R does only required updates. This is super basic and I would always test, but you can make it more elaborate with jamfhelper or some Dialog boxes.

Here is a link to the man page for the softwareupdate command and tells you what each of the flags do.

*Edit changed -R to -r for required. Sorry about that.

Contributor II

@sharriston The -R option in conjunction with softwareupdate initiates a restart. I believe that you are referring to -r (lowercase) for recommended updates only.

-r | --recommended All updates that are recommended for your system. These are prefixed with a * character in the --list output.

-R | --restart Automatically restart (or shut down) if required to complete installation.

Contributor III

Yes typo sorry about that.

Contributor II

You can also setup a Policies which will run the latest updates.
- General (Apple Security Updates)
- Software Updates (Apple's Software Update server)
- Restart Options (Startup Disk: Current Startup Disk) No user Logged in Action: Restart if a package or update requires it. and user Logged in Action: Restart if a package or update requires it. 5 minutes
- Maintenance: (Update inventory and Flush User Caches)

I just flush the Logs every month and run.