Updated 10.5.8 Tomcat fails to start

Not applicable

I updated my server to 10.5.8, and the JSS web interface is not loaded. I check the JSS setup utility and notice TomCat is not running, I click start TomCat and still have a red "Light" and not web interface. What do I need to do? I was clipping right along in 7.31 until I updated the OS.

Karl H. Hehr
Technology/Curriculum Director
South Hamilton CSD
515.827.5418 (W)
515.827.5368 (F)

Luddite by Degrees
1) Anything that is in the world when you're born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works.
2) Anything that's invented between when you're 15 and 35 is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it.
3) Anything invented after you're 35 is again the natural order of things --- Douglas Adams


New Contributor

Re install the JSS, without re setting up the SharePoints. It should turn Tomcat back on.

Patrick Bachuwa
Client Technical Services
Sears Holdings Corporation
Michigan Campus
3000 W. 14 Mile Road
Royal Oak, MI  48073-1717
Phone: 248 637-0350
Patrick.Bachuwa at searshc.com


Here's the knowledge article about this issue as well: http://jamfsoftware.com/kb/article.php?id=287

James Fuller | Technology Application Services | V: 206.318.7153