Posted on 04-07-2021 04:44 AM
Hello All.
Hope you are well.
When I try to run by dtrockman
# make temp folder for downloads
mkdir "/tmp/googledrive"
# change working directory
cd "/tmp/googledrive"
#download Google Drive File Stream
curl -L -o "/tmp/googledrive/GoogleDriveFileStream.dmg" ""
# Mount the DMG
hdiutil mount GoogleDriveFileStream.dmg
# Get Volume Name
Volume=$(diskutil info / | grep "Volume Name:" | awk '{print $3,$4,$5,$6}')
# Install Google Drive
sudo installer -pkg /Volumes/Install Google Drive/GoogleDrive.pkg -target "/Volumes/$Volume"
# Tidy Up
hdiutil unmount "/Volumes/Install Google Drive"
sudo rm -rf "/tmp/googledrive"
I get this error installer: Error trying to locate volume at /Volumes/Macintosh HD
Have I missed something?
Thanks for any help.