Updating Carbon Black antivirus on computers

New Contributor II

any suggestions on how to update the Carbon Black on computers using the JamfPro? scripts, PKG files, DMG files, will be very welcomed.
Also tips for how to research would be great.
Thank you !


Contributor II

For us, our Cyber Security team owns the CB product. They provide us the installer .pkg from the QA and then Production CB environment for installation testing.

What we found in the past was that if you did not uninstall the prior version before installing the new version, remnants of the older version would still be present in the OS. This resulted in device kernel panics and reboot loops (High Sierra upgraded to Mojave was when we first started seeing this). We have also seen it on minor revisions, 10.14.3 to 10.14.4 for instance. CB needed to be removed and upgraded before allowing the update to 10.14.4.

We took the CB uninstall script, sensoruninst.sh, from /Applications/CarbonBlack and imported it into Jamf Pro.
Then imported the QA/Prod. packages into Jamf Pro.

Policy runs like this at checkin:
Uninstall script runs.
Provided .pkg installer runs.
Device reboots.