Updating Command Line Tools via Jamf - other options?

New Contributor II

Hello! I wanted to see how the hive mind was handling updating Apple's command line tools when they are not installed alongside Xcode.


I currently have a smart group set up to track who has it installed without Xcode. I have attempted to push the PKG for 15.3 (from Apple's Developer website), but the issue is that after updated via Jamf, a new incremental update appears in the System Settings. This sort of defeats the purpose of Jamf updating them when the end user will have to manually update them anyway.


Is there another way to update command line tools via Jamf that I am missing?

Thank you in advance!


Honored Contributor III

I typically just leave Xcode alone. I make it available in Jamf with VPP, and let the developers build their environment. None of our users have admin access, and we have a permissions management tool for when elevated access is needed. So far the only real snag we ran in to was involving debugging, which required us to add users to the _developer group.