upgrade from casper 8.62 to casper 9.0 - issue 4 - disabled policies are re-enabled after upgrade

Contributor II

I have a series of issues I'm running into in my upgrade testing from JSS 8.62 to JSS 9.0. I'll post each issue separately for sanitys' sake. FOr this series of issues: an "upgrade" is actually installing JSS 9 on a test server, restoring a 8.62 DB, then launching the WebApp to upgrade tables. I did not do an inplace upgrade since we are going to migrate server platforms and start from v9.0 on the new server.

Issue 4 - disabled policies are re-enabled after upgrade. This one concerns me - a lot. It's not all policies, but I've noticed two so far. Both are disabled in the 8.62 production environment but were re-enabled after the upgrade to 9.0. The policy that is re-enabled after having previously been disabled expired on "Expires On: 6 /15 /2011 at 7:00 pm " It is still set to have expired on "15 / 06 / 2011 at 7:00 pm", but shows as active. If added to the dashboard, it says that 0 computers remain to run the policy. The policy luckily has no targets, so it didn't affect any clients, but if it was one that is ongoing or something like that... So is the policy active or not? If I check the Policies in Scope for a client, it does have the policy name.

As an aside is there any way to change the date format for JSS v9.0? Us lazy Americans like our Month/Day/Year format :)


Contributor II

If possible I'd tackle it the other way around, if you are migrating platforms, installed 8.62 on the new platform, import database, then upgrade to 9.

Contributor II

well, the intent was to greenfield our installation of the JSS, since in the past the in place upgrade has been suspect for our environment - nothing proven of course, but the change in where the tomcat libraries were kept between 8.1 and 8.2(?)+ did end up causing a number of issues when we upgraded to 8.62 from 8.1. Still, worth a shot to see if we have better luck doing an in place.

Contributor II

This is still an issue after the 9.01 maintenance patch. It might be a graphical anomaly though - in JSS 8.62, the policy is set to "Once every machine" and not Disabled. It expired a long time ago and is no longer active. Once the database is migrated, I see that this particular policy is enabled, but has the same expiration date. If I check the clients remaining to run it though (in the policy logs), I do see my test client, and it does show as in scope for the client in the Computer details.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Contributor II

Well, the policies are not "re-enabled," they just look that way. Per our TAM: "On the Dashboard, the disabled policies will look very similar to the active ones and even a policy that has expired while in 9.0 will remain "Enabled" but, as long as there is an expiration date, it won't run on any clients past the date listed."

This is going to be a feature request. Policies that have expired but were not explicitly disabled should NOT show as "enabled" or look at all similar to active policies.