Upgrading JSS on Ubuntu from 9.63 to 9.65 JCE files not found / tomcat not loading


Did a sudo apt-get update/upgrade on server.

Went to install the JSS update, and was prompted with "Error: Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files were not found. Please download and install the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files and run the JSS Installer again."

Downloaded the JCE files from oracle and placed them in /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/security/

This seemed to satisfy the installer's requirement, but once the installation was finished, the JSS URL will not load. Tried restarting the VM, checking tomcat's status, and restarting tomcat.

Thanks in advance for any tips!


Valued Contributor II

Does the Jamf Log provide any insight?
/usr/local/jss/logs/JAMFSoftwareServer.log and /usr/local/jss/logs/Tomcat.log


Tomcat log is empty. Any tips for what I am looking for in the first log? Thanks!

Honored Contributor II

I'd also go for the /usr/local/jss/logs/JAMFSoftwareServer.log first. There's normally some line items as the JSS starts up indicating where the problem is. In Ubuntu, theres normally some feedback when your starting tomcat. Does it say its started successfully?

In these types of situations I get in touch with JAMF support. They've helped me out numerous times when the JSS won't start up and they know lots of special reasons why things like this happen.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

@rcurran I had a very similar issue with my JSS on Ubuntu, upgrading to version 9.52. The fix was to replace the ROOT folder with the ROOT.war file from the JSS Manual Installation files. Here's the instructions JAMF sent me:

• Create a backup of the MySQL Database.. specifically the jamfsoftware DB
• Stop tomcat on the JSS - service jamf.tomcat7 stop • go to JAMF Nation and download the 'manual install' of the JSS located in the alternate downloads
• after downloading the JSSInstallation.zip, unpack and find the ROOT.war file located in the JSS Components folder • Copy the ROOT.war to the JSS box into the webappsfolder - cp ROOT.war /usr/local/jss/tomcat/webapps/ • Delete the existing ROOT folder in the webapps folder - rm -rf ROOT • Start tomcat - service jamf.tomcat7 restart (this will unpack the ROOT.war file correctly)
• Check to make sure we are no longer getting the error browsing to the JSS (if so, we have one more edit to make..)

Might work in this case too.


Thanks @stevewood ! I would try this but it appears my jamfnation assets link is broken at the moment lol when it rains it pours right? :)


Just in case it helps someone else (and maybe saves them a 3 hour support call), the fix was the remove Java 6/7 completely and reinstall Java 7. :)