User Homes on SMB-Share via WindowsServer2008R2

Contributor II

Hope I did not overlook posted knowledge on this.
Our users are using the same AD-account on Windows and on OSX machines.
We have our Mac network-userhomes on a SMB fileserver (Windows2008R2).
Some applications seem not to be happy (Firefox 24, Adobe PS Elements,...) when they try to write to ~/Library/Application Support/ on a Windows Filesystem via SMB.
So we are scripting to redirect to internal harddrive.

Any advice to improvement for the future. Did you give up on using WindowsServer? Are you hoping for Server2012R2? Using Linux-Distributions for fileservices?
Thank you very much for your ideas!


New Contributor

We had the same issues with our network homes, based on open directory and AFP shares. We implemented login hook scripts to redirect cache folders and other stuff. We haven't achieved a 100% stability status! I would say it's a love hate relation with network homes...

Contributor II

Thanx - interesting to hear that AFP and OD also is not "our" friend.
Our login scripts do the cache folder and fonts - so far "acceptable"... since "oneway".
May I ask you about details to your "other stuff"?

But Firefox 24 seems to need for their sqlite profiles local storage. So to keep the bookmarks etc I need also a logout hook to copy the stuff back to the home folder...?
I am seeing it like you: love/hate...