User receiving many keychain prompts. Follows them to any mac

New Contributor

I have a user that changed his password recently via our school's password portal. He is now receiving multiple login prompts (approximately 20) that keep popping up. He's cancelled them but they seem to keep appearing. He said he received the initial prompt to enter his old password and synch up his keychain. He has received this on any Mac that he already has a profile on. I had another instructor that was due for a password change go through the process of changing from the portal. He did receive the keychain out of synch box when logging in. He entered his old password and everything synched up for him, no signon prompts.

We are running 10.13.6 in our environment and our machines are AD bound with managed mobile accounts.

Wondering if anyone has any ideas for me. I was able to reset the keychain on one of the Macs and he was able to login.


Valued Contributor

I keep a policy available in self service that lets users remove the old keychain and create a new one.

Valued Contributor

sshort I don't get prompted for a password. Interesting script if I can get it to work :)

New Contributor

Thanks for the script. I'll give it a try.