User Roster Tab

New Contributor II


We've recently noticed that many of our users are missing the roster tab in jamf pro. We suspect there was some an issue when they were originally imported from ASM. This has since caused problems with the EDU profile installing which affects Classroom working.

I'm interested to know if there was a way I could search for users with the roster tab missing? I've tried using the advanced searches and attempted "Roster User Status" but didn't have any luck.

I'm hoping there is a way to search for this as I can then focus on all of these specific users rather than wait for them to contact us.


Thanks in advance!


Valued Contributor III


Yes you can do this. This is what I do (be on the User side):

Create a User Smart Group "All Students" somehow. We happen to have an email sub-domain so I use:

Email Address like @students

Create a User Smart Group "Students with Roster Grade info" with criteria:

Roster Grade matches regex \d

This will be a group of all students with a roster. Then you create a User Smart Group "Students without Roster Info" with criteria:

User Group member of All Students
User Group not member of Students with Roster Grade info


As an alternative to the grade number, you could use any roster field to get both staff/students:

Create a User Smart Group "Users with Roster Info" with criteria:

Roster Full Name is not ""

NOTE: in Jamf Pro just leave the Value field blank to get the empty set "".

Then like above your criteria would be:

User Group member of All Students
User Group not member of Users with Roster Info


Thank you,
