Users & Groups


What's up Group!

We've been tasked by management to disable/change a setting in System Prefs > Users & Groups > Login Options. We can no longer have List of Users selected. It now has to be set to Name and Password. They said it has to do with some kind of enterprise violation. We were wondering if there's a quick way of doing this via Casper? Or maybe even with some kind of UNIX command or what have ya. We have to set this for a good 300+ computers. Any ideas on this? Thanks a bunch!


New Contributor II

I believe I ripped this command from @rtrouton 's first boot script the time I needed it.

# Set the login window to name and password
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ SHOWFULLNAME -bool true

Valued Contributor

Sure! Fairly easy with a configuration profile. The option is under the Login Window section, just make sure the rest of the Login Window payload is set the way you want. For example, under the Options tab "Enable console login" is enabled by default.6eeebb953a0b4560b502be1ad54c9ada


BRILLIANT! We'll try it! Thanks guys! @casper100 @adamcodega