
Joined: April 2012

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Hi Folks! Hoping someone can help. We're using Self Service to upgrade our workstations to Mojave using the kc9wwh/macOSUpgrade script, and all seems to be going as expected except for as soon as the workstation is ready to restart it gets stuck tryi...
What’s up! Hoping someone can help here. So we’re running a policy in JAMF via Self Service using the kc9wwh/macOSUpgrade upgrade script to upgrade our iMac 5ks running Sierra (10.12.6) with Fusion Drives to Mojave (10.14.6). We get hit with this whe...
Hi Everyone, Hoping someone can help. I've been tasked in editing our users Google Chrome Preference file with a protocol handler to suppress the "always open these types of links in the associated app" drop down to an internal application being used...
Hi Folks, We use Acronis Files Connect (formally ExtremeZ-IP) on the back-end for our file and print servers. Hoping someone here does too. We were wondering if anyone has had any success in creating the print queues that require the use of the Zidge...
Folks, Trying to wrap my head around this... if we have a computer causing headaches, and we remove the JAMF binary, but keep the computer record in the JSS. Why is it that when we use the QuickAdd package to reinstall, for whatever reason, the Quick...