Posted on 07-15-2015 04:37 PM
I'm looking for a way in Casper to push a folder(with images, PDFs, etc..) onto a local admin's desktop. Does anyone know how to create a policy that will copy a folder onto a local admin accounts desktops?
Posted on 07-15-2015 05:42 PM
If you know the account name and it is the same in all instances, try the following.
Create the same account on your own machine.
Log in to it.
Create the folders as required.
Open Casper Composer.
Drag the folder directly onto the lower part of the left panel of composer and it will create a package out of it (check the permissions are as expected).
Save it as a DMG.
Copy this DMG into Casper Admin.
Deploy as required.
Posted on 07-15-2015 11:57 PM
The suggestion by @Look will definitely work Casperwise, now I don't know if you use Remote Desktop and how end users Remote Settings are configured - but you could use that to also drop the folder onto the desktop for Current Logged in user if theres another local admin account, etc.
Posted on 07-16-2015 08:22 AM
Thanks for the help as always @Look . I'm going to give this a try today and see how it works.
Maybe I should have been more clear on the purpose in my first post.
We have a case where people are removing certain management software that we pre-install.
Ideally, I'd like to cache the installer to a folder in the /Library/Updates folder on everyone's machine.
Next I'd have an on-going policy that will execute a script to install the software. I'll also set a scope with an exclusion for a Smart group with the software already installed so it doesn't re-install for people that already have it.
Posted on 07-16-2015 09:51 AM
Alright... @Look has almost the method I was thinking originally, except there's one step that not necessary. You do NOT have to create an identical user account on a machine before setting up the folder. If you create a folder on the Desktop of ANY user. Then drag that folder into composer, simply check the FEU (Fill existing user home directories) when importing into Casper Admin. FEU will automatically handle the account differences AND permissions for that folder.
That said, your latest comment clears up the purposed a bit further. I agree, either going that way (There are many threads here that deal with that specific topic) or simply having some sort of launchagent running for the same purpose.
Posted on 07-17-2015 08:25 AM
@Look @Chris_Hafner Thanks for chiming in. I was able to successfully roll this out with your help!
Posted on 07-17-2015 08:27 AM
That's what we like to hear! Nice work!