Posted on 07-17-2015 10:15 AM
So I just passed my CCT and am still keen on keeping the momentum going. I've setup a small Ubuntu VM at home, on just my internal 192.168... network. Setup JDK, MySQL and JSS as vanilla installs. I've setup my APNS stuff, I have some push certs (MDM Push Notification and Push Proxy Settings), setup the SSL Certificate as suggested by the setup docs.
The server works great apart from certificates. I'm no certs expert but know enough that if I don't set that up right, it will all fail miserably.
I've tried enrolling some iOS and android devices so far, but with no luck. With iOS I get an warning when trying to install the MDM profile, and when I try to ignore it and then install it anyway, I get a "Profile Installation Failed: The server certificate for "https://192.168....:8443//enroll/profile" is invalid" message. (I see a double slash there, could that be causing the issue somehow?)
Now before I RTFM (Read The Fantasic Manual), as in the Admin guide, does anyone have any handy hints or tips on how to get this up and running just so I can keep up my JAMF training? :-)