Using "Filter Results" to see which devices are assigned to a prestage

New Contributor II

This might show up twice due to login weirdnesses, if it does I apologize...

I'm creating a new prestage enrollment, and I have around 10 devices I want to assign.  I have individually found the serial numbers one at a time which is tedious but doable and checked the assign box, but in the interest of verifying that the correct machines (and only the correct machines) are assigned, I want to see only the assigned machines, not the several hundred "Not Assigned" ones.  the "Filter Results" box will let me filter for "Assigned" but that still shows me all the "Not Assigned" ones as well - I cannot figure out or find online the correct syntax to exclude the "Not Assigned".


New Contributor II

OK that was just too easy....I did not even realize there was an option to sort those columns.  Learn something new everyday I guess.   Many thanks for the quick response!

View solution in original post


Contributor III

I would Sort the Device assignment status column to bring all of your assigned devices to the top

New Contributor II

OK that was just too easy....I did not even realize there was an option to sort those columns.  Learn something new everyday I guess.   Many thanks for the quick response!