Contributor III

Joined: March 2017

User Statistics

  • 145 Posts
  • 15 Solutions
  • 8 Kudos given
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We have Okta setup as our LDAP source within Jamf Cloud and its working beautifully when users enrol into our system. but as a school, kids change grades at the beginning of every year (or should) and so their Grade changes within Okta, but our user ...
On our jamf cloud instance i have been seeing a strange behaviour where when i add a script into a policy its adding the script twice and i have to manually remove one of them. is anybody else seeing this behaviour?
so i'm having a strange issue with integrating our jamf cloud instance to otka for SSO. when user-initiated enrolling devices with our myjss.jamfcloud/enrol URL we are prompted for our okta credentials, they are accepted, and then we receive a http 4...
so today i have run into my first issue after updating to Jamf Pro 10. so i have tested this on multiple devices, and under multiple iOS versions (from 10.3, to 11.1).i have also told the iPad that to Enable full trust for the root certificate (as it...