Using Setup Manager out side of prestage?

Contributor III

Looking into changing from DepNotify to Setup Manager. Our distribution point is not cloud based and needs authentication (this will not change)

Is there a way to use Setup Manger once in the OS like DepNotify?  I have done some testing adding the profile to the Prestage (but not the setup manager PKG) and setting a Setup Manager Policy with trigger on enrollment. But it does not seem to work all the time and when it did work and said it was installing packages (using jamf policy trigger) none of them installed.


Any one use setup Manager in this way?



Contributor III

No, the Setup Manager package and its config profiles need to be added to the Prestage. 

The primary function of the setup manager is to complete the installation and enrollment process before the user session begins. This can be done in the Setup Assistant pane. 

So security wise how do you get around needing to have a distribution point that does not have authentication setup? Seems like a bad idea

Do you also need the packages you are going to deploy with setup manager in the same HTTPS distribution point as setup manager pkg? IE need to be in a non authentication distribution point?

New Contributor III

Any reason why SYM(Setup Your Mac) isn't suitable for you? 

Contributor III

As @_Daley suggested you can go for different onboarding tools like Octary, SYM, etc.. which can be installed after enrollment from your distribution point

Thanks. I'm looking to see if we can setup another Distribution point with just the setup manager PKG. Though we are running Jamf pro on a windows server and looks like IIS is not supported for Prestage distribution for some reason. So many hoops to jump through! 

Contributor III

@BCPeteo You can always twik setup manager to utilise the same for User initiated enrollment, you need to modify your scope to only include devices which already have the profile installed, Please refer SetupManager image attached (don't forget to change the profile identifier value).

If you would like to explore Setup Your Mac - SYM than do check this video here

Thank you. the profile has been added to the PreStage, so the computer has it before Setup manager is launched (with enrollment complete trigger) Still no packages configured in Setup Manager install. We are using ADE so enrollment its device based not user initiated.