a week ago
Afternoon All
Im trying to pull back a license for an app deployed via VPP I have removed the device from scope and update the inventory but it still not showing as been avilable to deploy again.
Does ASM need to sync with jamf as well?
a week ago - last edited a week ago
I'm betting that the app license hasn't been fully released because Jamf holds on to the license for a time (2 weeks I believe) after it's unassigned/removed from a device. Look for "Permanently remove deferred items" in your apps either on the device app list or in the Apps inventory. Once you run that process to actually release them, resync your apps with AXM to get the licenses back.
I use Jamf School, but I believe that Pro does the same thing. I could tell you exactly the steps in School, but I hope this at least gets you looking in the right direction in Pro.
How are you doing this in school?
Will see if I can the translate into Jamf pro
Can'nt find away to pull the license back through jamf pro.
I have check the device is no longer in scope
submited an inventory updates
delete the app from the trash
but nothing seems to be changing to re assign the license
Monday - last edited Monday
For Jamf School I can clear the license from a device by going to the Device and the section 'Managed Apps' and there is an option to 'Permanently delete deferred items'. Jamf school also has an issue with if I trash the device BEFORE clearing the deferred app it won't ever let me clear the app until I put the device back. I've also run into issues when I deleted an app from my app inventory before clearing it from a device. I was able to get that back by doing a complete sync with ASM from Jamf School.
I really wish I knew more about Pro to help you out. I tried to do a search through the documentation but couldn't find a similar context in Pro. You may need to reach out to support with a ticket.
@GregBobbett have submited i case to support thanks anyway