Posted on
09:44 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
Just got my first request for an ebook in the 10 years I've been using Jamf. Of course assumed it worked like normal Apps, but why would anything be that consistent or easy right?
I understand we have to send an invite to the user which I have, however it doesnt seem to send. We are using Managed Apple ID's with ASM but the user cannot login to Books (message stating managed apple ids cannot log into to books or the appstore) and I dont see the invitation showing in self service, and I also tried checking all the check boxes for Automatically accept the VPP invitation for managed apple ids.
If I look at the invitation status it shows..."Missing Managed Apple ID". The staff member is logged into their Apple ID in system preferences and Apple Classroom is working normally so again, no idea what else I need to do. But if they could just make this a bit more complex to manage...that might help.
Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools
Posted on 07-16-2021 03:29 PM
Same issue. Managed Apple IDs are not allowing access to the assigned content.
Posted on 08-18-2021 12:32 PM
Posted on 01-11-2022 01:31 PM
"Missing Managed Apple ID" here too on a couple of accounts. When I look at a different invitation that worked, the Status shows "VPP user is associated with an iTunes Store account".
Posted on 08-05-2022 10:05 AM
I am having the same issue. I got VPP and a book assignment to work under my test student account, but now all the other accounts I am trying are saying "Missing Managed Apple ID" although they are managed. Has anyone found a fix for this?
I've deleted and recreated the invite, recreated the eBook, and even tried to recreate the Volume Assignment. I still only got my 1 test account to work
Posted on 01-30-2023 05:26 AM
Same boat. I have tried this multiple times, can't get automatic registration to work.
Posted on 03-02-2023 12:32 PM
Hey Chris,
I ended up doing an in-house distribution for the ebooks, and it works (however, it seems like it'll only work for free books). I downloaded a book onto my Mac, found the file in Finder. When you have the epub/ebook file, you will need Control + Click and choose "Show Package Contents." Then, select all the files, and Control + Click and Compress. Take that newly compressed Zip file, and change the .zip extension to .epub or .ebooks, whichever was the original extension. Then, upload it as an in-house book and set the distribution method to automatically install.
Posted on 04-08-2024 08:21 AM
I get a "Cannot open <book>. It is formatted incorrectly, or is not a format that Apple Books can open" error. :(
Posted on 04-09-2024 05:26 AM
Hey Jobs,
Did you get it working with my fix?
When you have the epub/ebook file, you will need Control + Click and choose "Show Package Contents." Then, select all the files, and Control + Click and Compress. Take that newly compressed Zip file, and change the .zip extension to .epub or .ebooks, whichever was the original extension. Then, upload it as an in-house book
Posted on 09-20-2024 06:40 AM
Wicked late update – apologies!
I did ultimately get this to work!
Posted on 04-09-2024 06:02 AM
What do you do for ibook files? The E.O. Wilson's Life On Earth is only available in Books and downloads as a .ibook file, not epub or ebook.
Posted on 04-09-2024 06:07 AM
I believe the trick should also work for an ibook file
Posted on 04-09-2024 06:20 AM
Confirmed. Little finicky but it worked! (originally was giving Management Status Delayed but eventually went through)
Posted on 04-09-2024 07:30 AM
Nice! I don't think I got the Management Status delayed error but this trick is the only way I've found that works to uploading an inhouse book. We can't use the App Store book deployment apparently because of the MAIDs and Apple Store
05-03-2024 09:06 AM - edited 05-03-2024 09:41 AM
You ever have it not show up after install? I have an ipad in my hands that successsfully ran from Self Service, but only 3 of the 7 books show up in Self Service. I have verified the other books work fine on other ipads. Tried reinstall, also goes through but still doesn't show up. iPad fully up to date, not full, tried restart. Kind of at a loss on this one!
Edit: So I am figuring out that for some reason some of the books are interfering with one another. E.O. Wilsons Unit 1 and Unit 3 for example. if I install 1 and then 3, 3 does not show up. But if I delete 1 in Books suddenly 3 shows up in its place. Looking into MetaData and such now to see if I can figure out why.
Posted on 05-13-2024 08:16 AM
Hmm, I haven't come across an issue like that with the new compressed zip file trick. I've had success with the Apple Everyone Can Create books... I am also not doing any VPP invitations for the books, just uploading them as an in-house book
Posted on 05-13-2024 08:22 AM
It appears to be some issue with installing a series. Still working on it but so far no luck.