VPP Managed iOS App says 'needsredemption' in Inventory..does not install on client iPad

New Contributor

VPP Manged iOS app notability has over 2300 available codes... several kids are not able to install, while 400 others did just fine.. on the ones in question, message on the iPad says "app will install shortly", but never prompts for the casper install or for the user apple ID password and just sits and sits.. if you look in the JSS, inventory of the device says app is pending and state says "needsredemption". I have redownloaded all VPP codes from apple and re-imported into JSS (just this afternoon). before doing that, I deleted the pending app for the iPad. Student can still see it in Self Service and no redemption codes shows up in the VPP section for that device....???? to note was we ran out of codes and I uploaded more... did they get stuck in some loop??? I am afraid to push out more..
also, I was able to scope a different paid app to the device w/o issue... aggravating!!


New Contributor

I'm having the same issue but with a much smaller distribution. I have 80 codes available and of the 15 requests that were made yesterday, 2 are listed as Pending and "NeedsRedemption" is listed as the State.

Any suggestions or solutions?


New Contributor

Has anyone figured out a solution? I guess its still a problem since 2012 and no one has solved it???

New Contributor II

2017... Same problem here. I have search for a few hours now the JamfNation for answer, nothing. I have open a support case for that, waiting for support.