Wallpaper showing Asset Tags

New Contributor

Hi all,


I was curious if there is a way to deploy a unique wallpaper to each iPad in our organization showing their asset tag identifier using a payload variable? This is sort of what I'm looking to do, but my organization doesn't use Jamf School, we use Jamf Pro. 






New Contributor III

Not exactly what you're asking but you can create a configuration profile that displays the asset tag information on the login window and lock screen. 

Screen Shot 2022-03-11 at 2.44.07 PM.png

New Contributor

Thanks for the response. We do use that already, but looking for a wallpaper solution, if possible. :) 

New Contributor III

Hi @bailly ,

I’m not aware if that is even possible.

You’re asking for some sort of script to be executed and generated as wallpaper dynamically for each iPad. Only computer devices allow scripts.

An option I see here is to apply a profile and edit the Lock Screen Message with payload variables plus a common wallpaper under a Smart Group and the tab Automated Management.


Valued Contributor II

Webhooks and JAWA can do this. See the video about this here. At 20:51 he talks about custom wallpapers.

New Contributor

I am also trying to do similiar operations

The ideas was

1. GET device infomation like id, names

2. Generate a wallpaper with the infomation I needed on it by python

3. POST set new wallpaper(Lock screen only) to individual devices


With some simple HTTP requests

I have successfully finished to stage 2 (download device info and generate wallpaper with it)

But can't find the correct way to change wallpaper with JAMF Pro API

(I tried with Document but can’t get the POST request and payload correct)

below is the code I used to send the request, will be grateful if anyone can point out where is my mistake

or give me an example of the correct request.




import requests

url = "https://myserver.jamfcloud.com/JSSResource/mobiledevicecommands/command"

headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/xml",
"Authorization": "Bearer {myToken}"

response = requests.post(url, data=payload, headers=headers)


Below is my payload





New Contributor

Did you ever get this working?

New Contributor

Is this now working, would anyone be interested in an example of it?

Yes, I'm interested in an example.

Thank you