[Warning: Newbie Post] Automatically add "Info 1:" data from Computer Settings under Sharing System Preference

New Contributor

Within the Sharing System Preferences is Remote Management. Within there is the Computer Settings button. Within there are four "Info" fields that can be personalized. They appear on the System Overview Report.

Is there a way for "sudo jamf recon" to pull this automatically into the inventory?

Warning, yes. I am a newbie. I did look in the KB and here. No luck. Yet.

Thank you in advance.


Legendary Contributor III

I'm not sure if the way I'm describing this is still relevant under Casper Suite 9.x and up, but there was and probably still is an Extension Attribute template that captures these. Under the inventory collection preferences or settings, look for Extension Attributes and then look for create Extension Attribute from template, or something to that effect. In Casper Suite 8.x these were all located under the "System Information" section, but you should somewhere in there see some Extension Attribute names like: "ARD Field 1" "ARD Field 2", etc.
just add in any you need and Casper will begin collecting that information, which you can later include in your normal inventory view or in reports, for example.

Edit: Just in case they aren't there for some reason, an example of the code in an EA script to capture these settings looks like the following


echo "<result>$(defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.RemoteDesktop Text1 2>/dev/null)</result>"

Change the Text1 to Text2 for ARD Info Field #2, and so on. (Just the "Text1" The 2>/dev/null is simply catching any errors if the plist doesn't exist on the Mac)