WebDAV and One to One iPads

Contributor II

We will be deploying 3,200 iPads to students, both elementary and secondary. This will be done in three phases beginning in September and ending in December. I had an idea and wanted to know if anyone has gone down this road before or had any advice. Our students all have an AD home share. Is there a way to replicate or link a WebDAV share to their AD share. For example Johnny creates a Keynote on his iPad, uploads it to his home via WebDAV and then accesses it in the Maclab. I am sorry if I am rambling. Thanks for any help in advance!


Contributor II

Going to try this. Never fails you find something as soon as you post!


New Contributor

Thanks for posting that link Andy.

We're deploying iPads to our faculty and are using Dropbox. We're looking at using the service Otixo (www.otixo.com) to provide WebDAV access to Dropbox accounts so that we can use Pages, Keynote and Numbers with Dropbox.
