Webhooks not working

New Contributor III

Has anyone else had any issues with webhooks not firing correctly? So far I've tried several and only seen one actually work. PushSent seems to work as advertised but others including ComputerInventoryComplete, ComputerCheckin and ComputerPolicyFinished don't fire. I've gone as far as running TCP dump on the JAMF Pro system to see if it's even generating the packets for the request and it's definitely not.


Contributor III

I though web hooks were deprecated.

Valued Contributor III

@CapU While they technically have it's my understanding that they are still present and functioning and JAMF still uses them for login policies etc... Certainly our environment still has functioning login policies etc...

New Contributor III

Still present, yes. Functioning on the other hand...

Contributor II
Contributor II

Webhooks are still a supported feature, and should work as described here. If you're experiencing issues with webhooks, it's probably best to open a ticket with support to begin troubleshooting.

New Contributor III

Yep, I have a case open. Just wanted to see if anyone else was seeing the same thing. I'll post here when I have a resolution. Appreciate the replies.

Valued Contributor

@Look I think you meant LoginHooks.

Valued Contributor III

@chriscollins HAH! Right you are! First post of the day and only two sips into my coffee!

New Contributor III

Updating my systems from 10.1.1 to 10.3.1 appears to have fixed at least some of the problem. The CheckIn webhook is firing now. Still no dice with the ComputerInventoryCompleted hook.

New Contributor III

Ok, I figured out what is happening. We're running a limited access server in front of our admin server. Apparently when limited access is enabled JAMF Pro is unable to send out some webhooks. As soon as I disabled limited access, all webhooks started working.

New Contributor III

Somehow they are still working now that I re-enabled the LA settings. My suspicion is that the restart of the server may have played a role in enabling/disabling the webhooks. For now they are working as intended. Will update if I learn more.